WAIT! Before you fire up TrafficFresh…

317+ High Quality Backlinks

Built Automatically...

(Watch How LINKFresh can Create
Unlimited Backlinks for Your Websites
Automatically within Minutes...)

Early Bird Price ends in exactly...

Do you want results like these?

Let me tell you an open secret…

…about why Google mocks and laughs at you while you attempt to get great SEO…

Because you're backlinking all wrong and Google sees your lazy outdated attempts and slaps your sites around.

The ONLY right way to build LONGTERM autopilot traffic is by doing Whitehat Link Building and making Google rank, and more importantly, KEEP your videos & content ranked for years to come.

It’s Officially No Longer About

Quantity of Links, but

QUALITY of Links.

The only problem is, building safe whitehat backlinks is hard work and very time-consuming (...that’s why I hate traditional SEO.)

BUT fear not my traffic-hungry friend…

…because I’m about to give you my COVERT, SECRET Software that will make your site from limp to pimp and trigger a floods of organic FREE backlinks, rankings and passive traffic within days…



Generate Guaranteed Whitehat Backlinks,

Page 1 Rankings and daily

FREE Traffic, at the Push

of a Button!

Your competitors won’t even know what hit them…they’ll just quietly fade away from top results while you dominate the page 1 for even the most competitive keywords.

Watch LinkFresh in Action and all

it’s coolness…

You see, all other back linking solutions out there currently violate Google’s spam policies.

That video ranking software you bought…?

Chances are Google is already cracking down and deindexing all your spammy links & tiered sites you built with it

…or worse…

….penalizing you or your clients content you’re trying to rank!

LinkFresh works for Ranking Local Business Videos Quickly (Like This one I did in just few hours…)

Or for Product Review Videos

with your affiliate links…

What Makes LinkFresh so POWERFUL?

 Find broken, relevant Wikipedia links in any niche (to get them replaced with yours)

  Find broken links on high PR sites in any niche (to replace with yours)

 Deploy a special ‘Delicious Reversal’ method to automatically find influencers & sites who actively link to similar videos & content as yours

  Find charity sites that allow links for easy high PR, high MOZ authority links

 Find relevant ‘moved’ sites in your niche that are no longer up (to allow you to contact everyone linking to them to link to yours instead!)

  Finds easy, relevant places that allow site & link submissions

 Gives you 100% control over how your links form and look

  Allows you to organize & store the best linking opportunities to use over & over

Here’s How You Can Instantly

Start Making Money With
LinkFresh Today!

Since nothing like this exists, LinkFresh provides a huge money-making opportunity if you want to sell services to other businesses!


Businesses all over the world are getting more desperate for SEO rankings, and willing to pay thousands of dollars…

But are paranoid about typical outdated and blackhat practices almost all outsourcing SEO agencies still use!

Now you can come along, and offer a 100% safe, authentic, guaranteed whitehat backlinking service, and rake in client paychecks day after day!

You can very easily grab these projects and by offering proper WHITEHAT SEO backlink building services to business like these, you can easily be on your way to making 6-figures per year with your own SEO agency, starting today.

And remember, you won’t even have to do the hard work yourself. Let this breakthrough technology do all the heavy lifting for you instead!!

This software is way too unique & powerful for me to release to general publich. So, licenses are strictly limited to a small number of people.

I refuse to let LinkFresh get into the hands of SEO agencies or my closest competitors, so there will never be a big launch and in fact, it will never be offered again other than right now.

But, because I know for 100% that you invested in TrafficFresh & are committed to getting traffic the ethical, whitehat way, I’m offering this as a one time only for this ridiculously low price.

Pick up LinkFresh and start getting bucket loads of safe, whitehat backlinks, faster and long term rankings, and bags of daily free traffic, leads and sales the right way!

Price increases by $20 in exactly...


Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified uponrequest. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is aninherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.